One Simple Truth
Faithfulness is the key to readiness.

Matthew 24:44 ‭ESV‬‬ (Read the Full Chapter Here)
Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.

When I was younger and heard a very passionate sermon about the nearness of Christ’s return, in my immaturity, it paralyzed me. I began to feel like the menial tasks I was doing such as furthering my education and thinking toward marriage was meaningless. But that was indeed in my immaturity. Those are exactly the things I should have been doing. What does the Lord want to see when He returns? Faithfulness. Fill your heart with His Word and walk it out. Eat your meals with thanksgiving. Forgive first and forgive fast. Prefer others above yourself. Hold your money and possessions with open hands. Work diligently and honestly at whatever you’re given to do. Faithfulness is the key to readiness.

Lord, help me to be faithful with whatever you have put in front of me today. If you return today, I will be ready. In Jesus name, amen.

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