What is Right

One Simple Truth
What is right in your eyes is not always what is good in God’s eyes.

Generational Impact

One Simple Truth
Your actions, words, and writings will outlive you.

My Thirsty Soul

One Simple Truth
Call to the Lord and He will revive your thirsty soul.

Room for Growth

One Simple Truth
Every personality has room for growth.

Pound of Grace

One Simple Truth
With every ounce of suffering there is a pound of grace.


One Simple Truth
God’s goodness will always outweigh our worthiness.

Male and Female

One Simple Truth
We are male and female; no more, no less.

Watch And Pray

One Simple Truth
Jesus won the battle at the cross because He won the battle in the Garden.

The Will That We Want

One Simple Truth
The will of the Father is the will that we want.

Fruitless Pursuits

One Simple Truth
Forsake fruitless pursuits.